Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 8, 2022

Show HN: GitTrends – Find out when you're trending on GitHub

Show HN: GitTrends – Find out when you're trending on GitHub Hey HN! We're a team of two Pakistani brothers who like to build things. Every year we have a tradition of hacking together a fun project on the side, to learn and solve a niche problem. The idea of GitTrends came from the open-source work that we do in our daily jobs. We noticed how difficult it was to see when our repositories or developers were trending. For an event that can cause such an impact on open-source work, we thought there should be a dedicated solution. So we built it! GitTrends allows you to search a database of GitHub Trending data that we collect every 5th minute. With a small fee, you can also subscribe for email alerts for a specific repository or Github username that you are interested in observing. Knowing that your watched repository or username is trending can significantly give you a burst of popularity on your repository or developer profile, which you can then take advantage of. For an open-source developer looking for work, or a small project that needs more eyes, getting on trending can be a game-changer. As a note, we started collecting data in August 2022. We are looking for volunteers who would help us load historical data (i.e. from the BigQuery GitHub Dataset) to our database. We've launched on ProductHunt as well, so an upvote there would be massively helpful -> . Thank you! August 23, 2022 at 04:54AM

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